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Below are some faith-based organizations dedicated to helping those who need help most. This list of faith-based organizations is not exhaustive, but, to a large extent, it underlines how much help is needed all over the globe. We encourage you to find an organization that aligns with your personal vision of service and to consider supporting their work. 

1. Samaritan's Purse

Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the Church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Catholic Mission

The Catholic Mission is the Australian agency of the international Pontifical Mission Societies both locally and globally. They answer the call to love God and love your neighbor and work to establish the Reign of God through building communities of missionary disciples of Jesus who share their faith by proclaiming the Word. They put their vision into action by serving people in need, acting for justice and creation, and adopting child-focused development programs. Catholic Mission operates in over 160 countries to support initiatives in 1,100 dioceses, including remote Australia. Grassroots needs are identified by local Catholics to give people the opportunity for a full, enriched life — physically and spiritually — regardless of race, stigma, religion, or gender.

3. World Vision

This organization is continuously building relationships by planning and working alongside local leaders. They’re finding solutions to change the future for kids and the next generation. 

4. Rafiki Foundation

Rafiki” means “friend” in Swahili and depicts the purpose of this foundation — to befriend Africans. The mission of the Rafiki Foundation is to help Africans become more God knowing and fearing. How does the foundation achieve this? By caring for and educating orphans by providing materials and training in education and Bible study, and giving economic opportunities to widows. To accomplish this mission, Rafiki established ten Rafiki Training Villages in 10 African countries. These Villages provide living, educational, and lifestyle facilities to the people. 

5. Compassion International

Compassion International is a child-advocacy ministry that pairs compassionate people with those who are suffering from poverty. The ministry releases children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. The goal is for each child to become a responsible and fulfilled adult. Compassion’s work has grown from modest beginnings in South Korea in 1952 when American evangelist Rev. Everett Swanson felt compelled to help 35 children orphaned by the Korean conflict. Today, it is a worldwide ministry where millions of children are now reaping the benefits of one man’s clear, God-given vision.

6. Crossway

Crossway exists to publish gospel-centered, Bible-based content aimed at honoring our Savior and serving his Church. We want to help people understand the implications of the gospel and the truth of God’s Word, for all of life, for all eternity, and the glory of God.

7. Help the Helpless

Help the Helpless is dedicated to improving the lives of the most vulnerable people on our planet, such as those abandoned, handicapped, deaf, and poor children in the most vulnerable countries.

8. The Alliance to End Hunger

Only partly faith-based, this is a coalition of over 90 members including corporations, non-profits, faith-based organizations, universities, foundations, international organizations, and individuals. While driving factors may vary among the membership, there is a shared conviction that addressing hunger is essential.

9. Mission Aviation Fellowship

You will find MAF in the hardest-to-reach locations where people live isolated from the rest of the world cut off from the most basic needs. Therefore their highly trained pilots maneuver Cessna and Kodiak aircraft through rugged terrain to take help where it is most needed. This article takes a closer look at their work. 

10. World Concern

World Concern’s efforts reach deep into the most remote corners of the planet where climate and geography, societal instability, and scarce infrastructure create incredible challenges for the people living there.

11. Food for the Poor

Food for The Poor is one of the largest international relief and development organizations in the United States. Their faith in God motivates Their work, and therefore they minister to the poorest of the poor in 17 countries throughout the Caribbean and Latin America.

12. The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Their message is based on the Bible. The love of God motivates its ministry. It is mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name without discrimination.

13. Cross International

Cross International is a Christian relief and development organization that provides food, shelter, medical care, water, education, self-help programs, care for orphans, and emergency relief to the poorest around the world.

14. International Medical Corps

This organization assists those in urgent need anywhere, anytime, no matter what the conditions by providing lifesaving health care and healthcare-related emergency services — often within hours.

15. Feed the Children

Feed the Children exists to end childhood hunger. It’s the cause upon which they were founded 35 years ago and the one that they continue to fight for every day.

16. Global Health Ministries

This organization’s goal is to globally enhance and sustain the health and well-being of the communities they serve.

17. Heart for Africa

Heart for Africa is a faith-based, non-profit, public charity. Working alongside churches in Swaziland, they are providing care and hope for the future for children in this small African nation.

18. Lifewater International

As a Christian, non-profit organization, they also work to end the global water and sanitation crisis through collaboration.

19. Mercy Ships

Mercy Ships is a global charity that has operated a fleet of hospital ships in developing nations since 1978. By using hospital ships, their crew of volunteers help individuals and serves nations, one at a time. 

20. Mission without Borders

Mission Without Borders was founded in 1960 in response to the material and spiritual needs of people living in Communist Europe. Today, they’re dedicated to serving the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those suffering the effects of poverty or persecution.

21. The Leprosy Mission

The Leprosy Mission (TLM) is a leading international, non-denominational, Christian fellowship with over 140 years of experience. As long as leprosy afflicts individuals and communities, they will remain committed to doing all they can to break its power and impact.

22. Vision Trust

Like many of the Faith-based Organizations, their mission is to help develop orphaned and neglected children by enabling Christian nationals to meet the physical, educational, emotional, and spiritual needs of these children.

23. World Hope International

As a Christian relief and development organization, consequently, they work with vulnerable and exploited communities to alleviate poverty, suffering, and injustice.

24. Child Aid

Child Aid helps children in Central America improve their lives through education. They believe that the ability to read is both personally empowering and essential to a child’s ability to imagine, pursue, and realize a better life.

25. Concern Worldwide

The organization is a global community of humanitarians. It consists of partners, community members, supporters, donors, in addition to volunteers who share a common vision of a world where no one lives in poverty, fear, or oppression, and all can exercise their rights to a decent standard of living.

26. Global Aid Network

The Global Aid Network accomplishes its mission by providing food and agriculture assistance, clean water, and critical aid in partnership with international Cru ministries committed to spiritual multiplication in their countries. As a result, they help millions of hurting and needy people worldwide.

27. Mercy Corps

This is an organization whose primary goal is to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure, productive, and just communities. As a result, we are very impressed with their work. Here, you can read more about Mercy Corps.

28. Oasis Global

Oasis Global is a global organization with a vision for a community where everyone is included. They are working to support and empower people to thrive. They seek to bring inclusion, opportunity, and transformation so that everyone can contribute.

29. Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, Christian organization that seeks to eliminate poverty, inadequate housing, and homelessness from the world and make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action worldwide.

30. Water Missions International

Water Missions International is a nonprofit, Christian, engineering organization delivering safe water and sanitation solutions in a sustainable way for people in the developing world and remote areas. Therefore the organization aims to provide water as it is the source of life and the foundation for health, education, and viable economies. Water Missions International has been able to help and bring relief to more than 2.4 million people across the globe.

31. Lifewater

As a Christian organization, Lifewater chooses not to hire staff to drill wells or to fix hand pumps for those in need. They make it their mission to help people sustainably by training and equipping locals with the skills to access, use, and maintain water supplies. Lifewater’s training includes weaving Biblically-based principles into hygiene lessons to demonstrate how much people’s health and flourishing matter.

32. WACC

As a faith-based organization, the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) builds on communication rights to promote social justice for everyone. People of all faiths, ethnicities, and cultures worldwide can receive their guidance and the support they need.

33. Water Ambassadors Canada

The mission of Water Ambassadors Canada (WAC) is to respond to the global need for clean water and reach the desperately poor people in developing countries in the name of Jesus Christ.

34. Habitat for Humanity – Global Village

Global Village is a gateway to serving with Habitat for Humanity in more than 40 countries abroad as well as in the United States. You can join a trip and take your next step to make the world a better place.