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Malawi, Africa

Connected with Dr. Anne & Tony Alaniz of Pothawira Organization in Malawi, Africa.  Twenty beautiful ICU baby bassinets, donated by Alaska Medical Missions, were stalled in Texas needing delivery to Africa.  Connect2Serve "Donor Team Malawi" raised funds to have the bassinets retrieved, packaged and shipped with medical supplies by container/ship from Houston to Malawi, Africa.  Three months later, the bassinets arrived and are being used in the first maternity ward.  This team was generous and determined to help Dr. Anne get the much needed bassinets!  Mission Accomplished!

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Mission Trip to Talkeetna & Anchorage, Alaska 2021

326 Salvations!   The 2021 Alaska Mission Team connected with Talkeetna Assembly of God Church in Talkeetna, Alaska, as well as The Hope Center in Anchorage to share God's love and joy with so many people devastated by the impact of covid 19.  Fishing for souls and they reaped a big harvest.  So fun.  So productive.

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Elevation Church Outreach

Connected with Elevation Church of North Carolina to serve various women's shelters in Harris and Fort Bend County, Texas.  Thousands of care packages were assembled for immediate distribution.  Regina was leading the fantastic team of hard and fast volunteers!  Everyone complimented the EXCELLENCE shown by the team.  Mission Accomplished!  Job WELL done !

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Mission Trip to Talkeetna, Alaska

A team of 12 missionaries came to Alaska during the CV19 pandemic to share the Light of Jesus in the small community of Talkeetna. Jesus opened doors throughout the community to meet, share and demonstrate Christ’s love. God used the team to provide cleaning, reorganizing and installing WIFI for the Assembly of God church. Residents and visitors to this small rural community were treated to games, singing and prayer in the town square park. Lives were changed by Jesus through simple acts of faith and demonstrated love. Each team member experienced how God can protect, provide for and open opportunities even in the worst of times.

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Assisted Living Community Outreach. Houston, Texas

Connect2Serve had the extreme pleasure of visiting a local assisted living community in Houston, Texas and serving residents through song and encouragement. Residents had been confined to their rooms for two months during the Covid virus pandemic. Our team of gifted and talented musicians, singers and compassionate encouragers assembled outside the resident buildings and sang while residents and staff looked out from their windows. The smiles, clapping and tears were beautiful and priceless. Everyone was encouraged and the team was immensely blessed!

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New Years Eve hamburger outreach to the homeless. Anchorage, Alaska

CONNECTED with a local McDonalds restaurant TO SERVE the homeless in Anchorage, Alaska. In 15 degree weather, we met some very kind and genuinely appreciative men and women who were homeless and living on the streets of Anchorage. We served them hot McDonalds hamburgers, McDonalds cookies and water. Everyone had a story; we gladly listened and prayed. This was a great outreach... 30 salvations in two hours .