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Twenty ICU baby bassinets delayed in Texas for two years were desperately needed in Malawi, Africa.  Mission Team Malawi Donors exceeded the goal!!  All baby bassinets, as well as additional medical supplies were retrieved, packed in a large container and shipped by ocean to Malawi!  Three months later they arrived!!  For the first time ever, a newborn baby will have somethi... ng to lie in.  Thank you Pothawira for allowing us to take on this mission!

Talkeetna, Alaska - Mission Team 2021 - Community Outreach preparation.


Alaska Mission Team 2021 Construction project - Talkeetna, Alaska


Mission Team Alaska 2021.  Park outreach to families.  Over 300 salvations!


Team leader, Regina S. brought a great team of hard workers!  We connected with Elevation Church and women's shelters to bring much needed supplies to women and children in need.  Job Well Done!


Thank you Connect2Serve for bringing a fantastic team and building thousands of care packages for our women and children in need in Fort Bend County.  Your team showed such excellence in ALL ways!  D.C.


Awesome team connecting with Elevation Church of NC to serve women's shelters in the Houston area.  


The Talkeetna trip allowed me to understand and experience Matthew 28:18-20 and God's faithfulness. Our team and leaders showed unity and focus during the most challenging season in most of our lifetimes. Despite the challenges we made it to Alaska and were able to connect with the people of Talkeetna showing them the love, peace, and hope that is found in Jesus Christ. We were also able to serve our... host church and Pastor Dave bringing love and joy (plus wifi) from Texas but also received the same in return from him and the town of Talkeetna. Mark Wong

In Talkeetna I prayed with beautiful individuals. Some were thinking about attempting suicide. My reason for being there was to tell even the most beautiful people about Jesus and to stop and receive salvation before its too late. From Charles Hodge ...

The favor of God was on each team member. People were drawn to us. We touched Talkeetna with the Love of Jesus, but the real blessing was to experience the love from the people of Talkeetna. We were connected to serve in a tangible way. I learned to always move forward even if it is without risk. My faith was stretched. I followed God and was not disappointed. We did what the Lord told us to do. Go! ... From Connie Hillman

Nothing but praise from the residents and staff that were here when y’all visited. All the staff are COVID-19 negative. This means residents can now come outside their rooms (after 2 months of quarantine) starting tomorrow. The shift in the community started happening when y’all first started praying. When I went into the building one cried telling me about a resident that said Jesus always helps her, ... another lady was dancing around in the living room. We all see that the residents are more positive and talkative now. Please share this good news with everyone who sweated in that heat on Saturday and let them know how grateful we are for their kindness and show of love for our community. S.W.

Thank you VERY much for awarding me 1 of the 25 scholarships! The Dare2Care program with American Association of Christian Counselors was like a dream come true for me!. I’ve always wanted to help others in crisis, and this training was perfect. I will be taking even more courses thanks to your blessing. I’m so excited I get to CONNECT TO SERVE others with a “ministry of presence” and such great tr... aining, tools and resources. THANKS A MILLION!!!!! M.L.

Ministry to assisted living communities and nursing homes is such a call to the body of Christ - especially during the pandemic. People who are often forgotten anyway are now isolated from family and friends. That’s why RefreshSing jumped at the chance to bring the love of God through song. Seeing the residents come to their windows and touch the panes as we touched the other side brought such joy to our ... hearts. Sharing a special Happy Birthday song, walking and singing to open windows, and knowing the gift of Jesus was floating in on notes and words of hope and healing. God bless you! K.H.

I was so blessed.  I'll never forget "Rocky".  A street hardened, rough & tough guy, full of curse words. He was agnostic. The longer we talked, the less he cursed. He said he needed proof of the Lord's existence before he could believe. He waned to see a lightning bolt as proof.  A couple suddenly appeared & offered him doughnuts, chicken, salad, and water.  ... ;I told Rocky "there was your lightning bolt!! He said, "that was more like a firecracker". Rocky began to weep, big tears streamed down his cheeks as he accepted Jesus as Lord & Savior. We all felt the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. It was a great outreach. Christopher